How do we learn, and what drives changes in our behaviour? This six-week unit on learning theories introduces students to the psychological principles that explain how humans and animals acquire knowledge and skills. From classical and operant conditioning to observational learning, students will uncover the science behind why we act, think, and respond the way we do.
This unit combines foundational theories with real-world applications, exploring how learning principles shape education, parenting, personal development, and even advertising. Students will engage in hands-on experiments, analyse famous psychological studies, and reflect on their own learning processes. By the end of the course, students will have a deeper understanding of how learning shapes behaviour and equips us for success in life.
Learning Outcomes
- Understand key theories of learning, including classical conditioning, operant conditioning, and observational learning.
- Explain the processes and principles that drive behavioural changes.
- Explore how learning theories are applied in real-world contexts such as education, parenting, and therapy.
- Analyse famous psychological studies and experiments on learning.
- Reflect on their own learning experiences and strategies for success.